Oh my, oh my, oh my. How some people need a wake up call. You will be happy to know that I have made it my personal goal in life to provide the said wake up call whenever I can. Last week I struck gold in the land of "I need a wake up call." In fact, I actually found myself shaking my head in dismay as I replayed the week's events.
This past week I was faced with two frustrating and even mildly upsetting circumstances involving strangers. I am pleased to tell you that I resisted my immediate 'kick you in the shin' urges and kept my cool.
Sort of.
My first incident involved a woman who was quite possibly insane or just plain dumb. Either way I was not amused. I was at Panera bread waiting to meet with an agent over coffee when I noticed this very happy, friendly, individual frolicking around. As I entered the building, she greeted me at the door and even had the courtesy to hold the door open before she insulted me. I was at least thankful for that.
As I entered the building she smiled sweetly and struck up a conversation. It went something like this:
Crazy Lady: Ma'am what are you currently doing to lose weight?
Me: I'm sorry?
Crazy Lady: What are you currently doing to lose weight?
Me: Uh, nothing. I'm 20 weeks pregnant. (imagine a mild fightback of tears, followed by an overwhelming desire to kick her)
Crazy Lady: Well, congratulations! Gurrrlll, you have an excuse then.
And with that, she sauntered off. I imagine she was in the hunt for someone in a wheelchair to start a discussion on how many marathons they've run.
What. The. Heck.
After a tearful phone call to my hubby and some reassurance from him, I swallowed my pride and downed some tea and pastries. That will show her.
As if mankind hadn't abused this pregnant lady enough, another wonderful citizen threw me a curve ball on Saturday afternoon...
My mom and I went to Dillards at Quail Springs Mall...did you know they have expectant mother parking? Well they do. And it is right in front....thank you Jesus.
Anyhow, just as I was about to pull into the spot, another car whips in front of me and parks there.
In my spot...
My expectant mother spot...
The spot with the giant stork and the words "Expectant Mother Parking."
Oh no she didn't.
I waited patiently in my current 'ready to turn into this spot' position as the first gal got out of the car. She couldn't have been older than 17 and was clearly not pregnant. I also noticed that the driver was in her mid 50's or so. My instincts told me she wasn't expecting either.
And what I did next, I did for pregnant women everywhere.
I rolled down my window.
Me: Excuse me? Yes, you...are you by chance pregnant?
Girl: (awkwardly) Ummm, no.
Me: (pointing to the driver of the car) Well, is she?
Girl: (even more awkwardly) No....
Me: Excellent. Well, as you can see this is an "Expectant Mother" parking spot. Seeing as neither of you are pregnant and seeing as I am pregnant, I would actually appreciate the parking spot myself. Thanks.
Girl: (blank stare and some mumbling to the driver) Okay....
And they moved their car.
Four spots down.
Four spots down!!!
They couldn't just do the right thing from the beginning and park a few spots down to begin with? Seriously?
My mother was humiliated and was convinced that a good keying of our car was in our future. I, however, was so proud of myself.
And yes, it was that important to me.
When Your Heart Says It's Tired
8 years ago