Welcome to our blog! This blog is for our family and friends...we love each of you dearly and hope that this blog will keep you updated on our lives and family.

You are each a rich blessing to us.

" For in him we live, and move, and have our being." Acts 17:28

Friday, January 23, 2009

This, that and Pearce

Pearce got a Laugh and Learn puppy for Christmas, who we affectionately refer to as Lionel. Pearce and Lionel have become great friends and play, play, play. We love to sit and watch Pearce as he stares at Lionel like he has something wonderful to say. Here are a few pics of Pearce and Lionel bonding...

Pearce also has his lovie, Monty the Monkey. One of the cutest things Pearce does is pull Monty up to his face and cover his eyes. Here are a few pics of Pearce and Monty napping together.

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